One of the world's most culturally diverse cities and home to people from approximately 140 countries speaking 86 different languages, Los Angeles is a city that values representation and inclusion. The Hall of Heroes Foundation aims to establish a garden of monuments - or a Hall of Heroes as it were - within the City of Los Angeles to serve as a beacon of inspiration, hope, democracy, education and inclusion for all.
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Join us on this once in a lifetime mission to change the face of Los Angeles for generations to come.
The revered civil rights hero, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a man who endured harassment, threats, beatings and even bombings to fight for our country to become one that truly lived by it’s noblest principles, will be the primary focal point of the hall of heroes.
Dr. King’s visits and work to fuel economic and educational growth in the Black community has had undeniable influence on the city of Los Angeles.